Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thoughts in the Age of Covid-19

Thoughts in the Age of Covid-19

If you have lived in the city for under 5 years and have decided to leave New York for a non-legit reason (“I wanted a yard to play in”) you forfeit your apartment and it will be given at a fraction of the cost to an essential worker or true New Yorker who could use it. You do not get to come to the city and use it as your little playground and then leave when the going gets tough and leave the rest of us to die. This also goes for the rich who retreated to their country homes. You want to ride out the crisis in your beachfront property that's fine. Now give up your NYC showing off how rich and cool you are apartment to someone who actually deserves it. If anything an upside to this crisis will be rents finally trend downward and make the City a little more livable for the rest of us.

If you are not wearing a mask outside I get to punch you in your dumb fucking face with a disposable glove. If you are wearing a mask but it isn't covering your nose and mouth (dangling off your chin) outside I get to punch you in your dumb fucking face twice with a different disposable glove.

As predicted the break out TV. stars of quarantine are: Jimmy Fallon's children. They are hilarious and I will gladly watch them disrupt every monologue and comedy bit Jimmy attempts.

The closest I will ever come to being an astronaut is when I sneeze in my mask and just have to let it sit there and bask in the grossness. I think of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and ponder how they dealt with this annoyance and how in this moment we are all one in the same.

Walking around with my mask after brushing my teeth and gargling mouthwash results in a very pleasant and long walk. Walking around with my mask without doing these things results in a stroll around the block before passing out.

After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, the community rallied and formed a committee on public safety which turned into political reforms and laws and regulations getting passed. We need the same after this disaster and cannot return to pre-pandemic ways. A universal basic income and universal healthcare seem like a good place to start. A focus on preventative measures instead of reactionary measures also would be nice. Who knows perhaps a push to pay workers more than they would make on unemployment would be nice. 

Maybe just maybe enough of these elusive “suburban white women” and “fierce independents” will finally realize that maybe the best way to help get back to a new normal quicker will be to not give Donald Trump a 2nd term.

Things I was looking forward to that Coronavirus ruined: Gerrit Cole leading the Yankees to World Series 28, seeing Bob Dylan for the 31st time, and performing my beloved Tour Noir NYC for tourists and New Yorkers alike.

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