Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow, Snow, Snow

A beautiful thing about snow in New York City is the small window of time we get to enjoy it before it turns into gray disgusting slush.  Whereas the suburbs and the countryside have a seemingly unlimited amount of time to enjoy this white blanketing, we in the city get a good hour before it turns all sorts of weird and uninviting colors.  Running through a midnight snowstorm in the city is often a hilarious exercise.  There are barely any roaming cars out to impede on the maniac, unhinged struggle that accompanies a midnight snow run.  2 blocks of snow running wipes me out faster than my normal rate of 3 blocks of regular running (it’s that hard).  At a certain point of wild running (usually 10 minutes in) you become one with the frosty season and cease to remember a time when you weren’t part snowstorm.  The sun and outside warmth are a concept from a prehistoric time filled with bikinis and some sort of lotion that protects against the sun.  Protection against the sun what a foolish concept you think as you trip yet again into another pile of snow.  Tripping into the snow is one of the few fun ways to lose your footing.  In any other weather condition, falling face first into the sidewalk invites an unpleasant feeling of impeding pain, but now it could not be more fun and harmless provided you don’t fall on the one ice patch.  In fact, you make it a point to fall a few times just for the hell of it.  And if you can take a few people down with you, why not.  Who doesn’t enjoy being pushed into the snow other than old people, crippled people, and other people who would appear in a Life Alert commercial?

The snow is something else for a few hours and then reality bears its head once again.  We’ve had our snow fun, but let’s move on to summer or at least make some tracks towards spring.  Come on people, I’m freezing over here!   

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