Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Blog to Hold You Over

Where o where shall I be going?  I put this bold question out because I will be in fact taking a short, but well deserved vacation and will switch from doing very little in New York City to doing very little in another location.  To say this vacation is well deserved is an understatement for many reasons that I’m sure all my faithful readers know by heart.  I’ll wait as you remind yourself of them.  I will not be able to keep up my vigorous three times a week blogging schedule and will be forced to forfeit writing a few of these lovely posts.  To hold you over until my next post, I have presented a few possible blogs I would have written.  Read any two on each blank blog day and you’ll never be apart from me.  That’s a promise.

1)      Something about Bob Dylan touring/new album update/or being the man that very few people will read because it’s getting a bit repetitive…to them.  I, however, shall never tire talking about the Minnesota bard.

2)      A vaguely abstract post about a certain emotion that developed into an internal/external physical sensation brought on by a strange situation that I feel compelled to write about.  This weeks could be about, oh I don’t know, that weird feeling that comes when you see somebody you dated way back in the day and the oddness of having to be near them after so long.  Maybe I would explore a feeling of emptiness or the childish ways I tried to impress/best/creep on said person.  This is all hypothetical of course; it totally didn’t happen, but then again, we all know I have a penchant for lying in these things.

3)      A bullet point article that consists of either snappy one liners or paragraph long mini rants.  Here’s a snappy one liner that could come from this example essay entitled “Things to do in August”: Keep your sunglasses on at night.  Everybody will think, or rather, know you’re the coolest person at the party.

4)      A sports update.  I’ll share my wild card fever or discuss the NBA offseason in my patented signature style.  Take that Grantland!

5)      An article that starts a boatload of comments and discussions.  Nah, just kidding, but one can dream.  One can dream.

6)      A repost of an essay I wrote for a film/history class in an effort to slack off but still fit the blogging schedule.  Take this title: “Walter Benjamin and Mechanical Reproduction” and let your imagination run wild with a five page essay.

 I hope that will fulfill you, my loyal readers, for the time being.  So I release you from my iron grip and will allow you to pursue other reading passions and other worthy blogs in my absence.  Stray my friends and let us enjoy our time off for when I return we will come back stronger than ever and continue to have a whoppin’ good time.

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