Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rage. Anger. Humiliation

Rage begins when your vision starts to blur and everything zooms out of focus.  The stomach concaves in and your internal temperature swells up to an unfathomable degree.  In short, it has become very, very hot in your general vicinity and that may be contributing to your incredible lack of eyesight.  Instead of focusing in on specific objects like a person or a lamppost, your vessels of sight have moved beyond our puny spectral plane and into the dimension of pure anger.  The problem with this rage and anger is that it frequently becomes a rather impotent one in which the only solution is to log off of Facebook and check the score of the game.  Usually that only dilutes the feeling of rage and petty anger leaving you with the option of taking a nice cathartic walk.  For me, a long walk into darkness and heat can takes away the sting of a simmering rage, but then again, how many walks can you take?  The magic of the sweaty cathartic walk can wear off if used one too many times, or so the legend says.  Luckily, I have not found this out to be the case so the walk shall serve as my main deterrent to having a stroke. 

In short, being angry is not fun, but what are you going to do?  The other option is to be the bigger man and brush it off but that isn’t really that fun.  Plus, how many times can one be the “bigger man” before just being a permanent sucker?  Sometimes giving in to rage, petty anger, and ultimately the dark side can be a great thing.  Stepping on to the ledge of no return and irrationality is thrilling fun where consequences are thrown to the wind.  In short, being angry can be sort of fun, but vey exhausting.  All the hating, built up anger, and then eventual punching of people is just so very tiring.  In short being angry is not that fun, but it can be.

So listen to the Emperor and give into your anger and your hate or at the bare minimum get off of Facebook because that sure as hell isn’t helping.  Take a walk and let that rage simmer down into pent up frustration and hatred that will burst out at an inappropriate and unexpected time.  Now that’s what some good old fashioned rage is all about. 

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