Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Formal Apology

I start off this blog with an apology as I have broken a promise.  Now I’ve broken many a promise in the past and I blame that on my relative lack of will power and desire to uphold standards I set to better myself as a human being.   It’s my problem and I promise to deal with it (I won’t).  But this time is different.  I have broken a promise with you the reader and that has annoyed me to the point of issuing a formal apology.  A few months or a long, long time ago when this blog arose from the dead like a snarky Lazarus, I wrote that I would heed a strict schedule of postings on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.  Recently, I haven’t been able to keep up with this steady flow and I have no good reason or excuse to back up the missed postings.  I took half of August off because I was on a delightful Bahamian cruise and also to watch as much of the Simpson’s Marathon as physically possible.  But once September rolled along my blogging became erratic and strained and I fell deep into the dank hole that is writer’s block.  Perhaps the Simpson’s marathon had dulled my brain I pondered in many a deep dark hours, but nay it was not that.  It really wasn’t anything other than my inherent slackerdom fighting against my go get ‘em millennial attitude.

Even though I am categorized as being part of the millennial generation, I share the so called slackerism that was thrust on generation x by the baby boomers (everybody’s least favorite generation).  It resides deep inside me and swims to the surface destroying any of that new sincerity bullshit that millennials get attached to.  My slacker rose to the surface and nearly destroyed my consistent bloggings and ramblings with some thought.  This isn’t to say that I don’t appreciate my inner slacker, but in terms of writing this blog, he must be vanquished.  I’ll save him for work and other useless things, but not for this blog.  I’ll throw every weapon I have at him whether it is fire, a silver bullet, sunlight, or the overwritten Salon/Slate think piece (that one will be used as a last resort if only because it may end up taking us both down). 

So, I’d like to extend my heartfelt apology for slacking with the blogs and I hope it doesn’t happen for a while.  The slacker in me is strong, but like all lethargic urges, he can be defeated or quelled for a bit.  I hope you accept my apology and I’ll see you back here on Sunday.  If you don’t accept my apology, I’ll see you back here on Tuesday.  Sometimes these things can take time and I fully understand that.  

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