Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is Ignorance Bliss (Part 1)

Is ignorance truly bliss?  I have no idea but like always I will set out to write about the subject.  In the first of my two part series I will explore the subject that has spawned many a crappy philosophical argument.  Today I will take the pro position as ignorance truly is bliss.  Below are some reasons why.

  1. If you don’t know something horrendous than it won’t affect your mental state plain and simple.  Life is fleeting and today we have a million different platforms designed to send us horribly depressing news immediately.  Tuning and plugging out of the examined life is a good way to keep your sanity intact.  I can’t begin to think how much happier I would have been if I hadn’t come across that article about how we’re all going to die due to our unwillingness to save the environment.  It’s not the smartest way to live but for this I will defer to Lisa Simpson and her happiness v. intelligence graph from the episode “HOMR” (guess the relationship between the two I dare you).                                                                                                                        
  2. Nothing is ever 100 hundred percent perfect and pure.  The more you learn about your heroes and realities of the world, the less magical everything seems.  Nothing is golden or perfect the more you expound on things as everything gets corrupted one day or another.  By choosing or going out of your way not to know about certain thing you stop the possibility of being crushed by the ones you believe in.  We all have faults, even the untouchables.  Musicians give their music to commercials, politicians give themselves to corporations, and your parents are just average people.  Knowing this stuff may put a 3rd dimension to life, (while being depressing as hell) but is it truly better to live in a world where you are waiting for the other shoe to fall on everything and have no sense of the magic and wonder that comes with perfection?  With an ignorance is bliss attitude, the magic never ceases because you really don’t know any better.  You choose to live your life as an illusion, but if you have no belief in an afterlife who cares?  Live this life as you please and if your system of blissful ignorance works than go for it.  Sure you won’t be as interesting or knowledgeable as some people but I can guarantee that you’ll be much happier than they are.  The best part is that this will be one of the few things you know and it will make you feel that much better than those eggheads over there with their knowledge and depression.  What a bunch of nerds right!                                                                                           
  3. Why would such a quoted phrase be wrong?  People wouldn’t dare repeat a quote or saying if it was false?  Why I’ve never heard of such an instance, have you?  I thought so.  If a majority of people say something it has to be true.  What would they have to gain from spinning lies or telling untruths?  Nothing at all.  Nothing has ever been gained from acquiring knowledge from those who tell you not to.  It never results in a change of the status quo or anything silly like that.  So just sit down and stop rocking the boat with your knowledge.  I’m getting seasick as it is.    

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